Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's a good thing......

Well, the new job is going great!! I finished up my first week and am loving it so far! I get to work with a great group of people, and am learning so much! I'll have to post some pics of my new surroundings- it's a beautiful office!
My last day at Dr. Fox's was sad but wonderful. We celebrated all day, and I think I didn't actually cry until about 2:15 that day, which was pretty good for me! My friends had a special cake, and I received the most beautiful bouquet of flowers- very special! I will miss all of them so much, but I'm planning to squeeze in a work day there maybe once a month or something- I do still love it. Plus, they won't ever be TOTALLY rid of me!

Ella has been visiting my family in Nashville since THURSDAY!! My parents are bringing her home on Tuesday!! Michael has had a great birthday weekend. We ate out and went to see the new Batman movie with friends last night, and his parents came to take the birthday boy out for lunch today! We're ready to see our baby girl, though! =) She's having a blast, though, and has even stopped long enough to talk to us on the phone a few times (that is, until Mommy Tot coaxes her with some chocolate milk and a Twinkie).
Congrats to our friend, Shelley!! She completed her Masters Degree as of last week!! And, her baby girl Anna Kate is due in just a couple of months! It's awesome to see how God blesses your friends!