Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer In Motion....

Well, I'm BAAAACKK!!! For my friends and family who thought I'd left blogger world for good, I apologize!
The Ekenseairs have had a WONDERFUL summer so far!! We went on vacation the third week in May to Destin, FL, and had a blast (as usual). The Fulghams went again this year, as well as the Fosters, and about 9 other families we know!! What a week!! The kids had so much fun this year- it's so fun to see how much they grow and change from year to year. It seems like Sophie F. should still be Ella's age, which is how old she was the first time we traveled with the Fulghams 5 years ago!
Ella enjoyed spending time with her friend Allie Foster and her brother Noah, too. Ella danced to live music with the gang at restaurants, went crab hunting with her buddy Bradon one night, and played hard on the beach and at the pool as much as we could. It was not the most perfect weather trip we've ever had, but we soaked up some sun nonetheless! It was also neat to watch Kris Allen win American Idol while we were there! Conway was definitely represented from Florida that night! =)
Michael and I were so ready for a break from work (the month before our trip was CRAZY)and Destin is truly one of our favorite places to be with friends. Ella loved the beach again this year, and we were so thankful! She also got to play in the fountains at Destin Commons SEVERAL days, rode go-carts for the first time (she LOVED them), and went on her first crab hunt!
Life is great in Conway. Michael is really enjoying spending time with Ella on his day off with her during the week. They go to storytime at the library, the park, and many other places together. BUSY!! She certainly loves her Daddy right now, and it's easy to see why! =) He says his day with her is the best thing about working at UAMS.
My job is still going well. We made it through a rainy Toad Suck Daze weekend and several other events in May, and are now renovating the front of the Chamber- which means 12+ people are squeezed into my usual-4-person office right now! It's crowded, but fun!
Connie and Emily were here for a week in May, and Ella enjoyed getting some time with them! She's headed to Mommy Tot and Daddy Bob's this weekend and she's been asking every day if we're going yet. For some reason she doesn't really understand what Thursday means yet. =)

SO- I am going to try to be a better blogger this summer! Life is just going by too fast, isn't it? Here are some of the photos from our trip that I took (a few are ones that Karin took- mine pale in comparison). I'll post more when I'm able to go through the CD she gave me. Love to all today!


Shelley said...

Glad you are back!!!!

the Fosters said...

We had so much fun with you guys! Let's get together soon!

Ashley S said...

Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe I stumbled upon your blog!!! You know...just hopping from blog to blog and I found one with this last name...I couldn't believe it! How are you? It's been forever! Your little angel is precious!! We just had our first. Pics at www.thadandashley.blogspot.com. I would love to chat if you ever get a chance! Email me your number!! Ashleybrx@yahoo.com