Monday, January 21, 2008

Ella's One-Year Check-Up!

"I know you did not just say shot!"

"Dear God, please don't let the shots hurt, Amen."

Ella's one-year check up went very well (besides those yucky shots)! Here are her latest stats:

Weight: 20lbs., 9oz
Height: 29 in.

Dr. Lucas pointed out immediately that Ella loves her orange veggies!! Daddy and I just thought her skin was getting darker!! =) No problem, our little girl's just rich in beta-carotene, lycopene, and has a nice tan for January! =)
She is changing so fast every day! She's not walking yet, but I know it's just right around the corner! She just won't let go! Why would a gal need to walk when she can get anywhere she wants, and very fast at that???!! She LOVES to take things in and out of drawers, cabinets, pacey's food bowl =(, etc. She loves an audience!! We are instructed to clap after every task is complete!! She loves to talk on the phone! She smiles at every person who passes us in the grocery store, whether they smile back or not! She's definitely a little social bug!!
Her favorite new foods are blueberry muffins, teddy grahams, and WW bread, but she still loves her baby veggies and of course, that good milk!
Her favorite toys right now are her new shopping cart (complete with groceries she can strow) and her shapes stacker. She loves anything that plays music- she's becoming quite the dancer!
We are anxious for the weather to warm up so we can go for more wagon rides! It's gonna be a fun spring!


The Sketoes said...

Ella is getting so big! She is just beautiful!!!
It's funny you should mention that she loves her orange veggies. My husband's nose turned orange as a baby, b/c he ate so many carrots. Oh, and we use Dr. Lucas too! I was good friends with his son in high school and I just love him and his wife, Seely.